- (NCAP) Certified Automation Professional
- PLC Control Systems
- Building Automation
- DCS Control Systems
- HMI & SCADA Developments
- Electric & Control Panel Building
- AC Drives & Motor Controls
- Servo Drive & Motion Controls
- NCAP Level 2 workshops
- Hardware Interfaces & Data Communications
- Sensors & Analog Wirings
- Switch Gears & Electrical Wirings
- Instrumentation & Interfaces
- (NSS) Soft Skills for Successful Career
- Application Based Workshop (Process)
- Machine Based Workshop (OEM)
- SCADA Systems
- Panel CAD Designing
- DC Drives & Motors
- Relay & Digital Wiring
NCAP) Certified Automation Professional

NCVT Certified Automation Professional
Section | Hardware | Series | Software | Evolved Skills |
PLC | Rockwell Siemens Schneider Mitsubishi Delta | Micro/Serial S7 300 / 400 TWIDO Above FX + Above DVP + More | Mircro Logix TI Portal Twido Suite GX Developer WPL Soft | Wiring Programming Networking Selections Profiling |
SCADA | Its Software Not Hardware | Its Software Not Hardware | Wonderware Citect Rs View Win CC | Development Scripting Networking Troubleshooting |
HMI | Rockwell Schneider Siemens Pro face | Panel 6 / 7 XBT / Opti KP 8 Basic SP 5000 X | Panel View Vijeo Designer Simatic WinCC Pro Face | Development Networking Troubleshooting Selections |
PLR | Siemens Schneider Mitsubishi | Logo! Zelio 1/2/3 Alpha 2 | Soft Comfort Zelio Soft AL – PCS/WIN | Rely Wiring / Programming Motor Starters Logic Switching Digital Devices |
AC Drives | ABB Schneider Siemens Emerson | ACS 150/550 ATV 31/312 MM 440 Commander SK | Drive – PM Power Suite Starter SyPT Lite | Controlling Motors Wiring, Installation, Setting RPM & Load Control Speed Synchronization |
DC Drives | Parker ABB Siemens GE | DC 506/507/508 DCS 550 Sinamics DC DV 300 | DSE Lite Drive Window Light Simoreg DC Master Control Toolbox | Controlling Motors Wiring, Installation, Setting RPM & Load Control Speed Synchronization |
Servo Drives | Schneider Lenze Nidec Parker | Lexium 23 E 931 Inverters SF Series Compax 3 | Lexium 23 Plus Engineer SF Connect Servo Manager | Controlling Motors Wiring, Installation, Setting RPM & Load Control Speed Synchronization |
Panel Designing | MCC PCC APFC AMF Control Star Delta DOL | Motor Control Power Control Power Factor Mains Failure PLC/Drive Starters | Design Software’s Auto Cad E – Cad Fusion 360 Solid Works Catia | Designing Load Calculation Bill of Quantity Wiring, Mounting, Installation Termination Service & Troubleshooting |
Switch Gears | L & T / C & S Schneider Siemens | Power & Control Distribution | MCB/ MCCB Relay Distribution | Wiring Working Principle Troubleshooting & Maintenance |
Instruments | E & H Banner Autonics Honeywell | Timer, Panels Counter, Indicator, Flow PID, PH meters | Panel Meters Measuring Instrument Graphics Panels | Installation, Calibration Wiring, Termination Mounting, Maintenance Troubleshooting |
Sensors | Autonics Selec Schneider | Conductive Inductive Temperature | Proximity Switches Infrared / Pressure RTD / TC / Probes | Controlling Level, Flow, Temperature, pressure and so on Wiring, Principle, Installation |
Networks | Splitters Connectors Com. Modules GSM Modules Routers | Standard & Reputed | Rs 232 / RS 422 MODBUS / Rs 485 CAN Open / Bus DH + DH 485 PPI Profibus + MPI | Royalty Free Protocols Proprietary Protocols Widely Used Protocols Advance Protocols Information on Newer |
NCVT Certified Automation Professional
PLC - Programmable Logic Controllers Introduction to PLC, Family & Applications PLC Fundamentals & Components Sink, Source, Types of Input, Output Flags Programming software addressing concepts Detailed Analog Programming Instructions Up Load, Down Load Monitoring of programs Forcing, Monitoring, Modifying I/Os Standard Procedure for writing LD, IL, STL, FBD, SFC Troubleshooting & Fault Diagnosis of PLC Documentation of Project Design OPC Drive & Communication to various SCADA ASCII Programming interface to Printer, Bar Code | SCADA – Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition Introduction to SCADA software Creating a new Project / Application in SCADA ODBC connectivity to MIMIC, Graphic Creation OPC Connectivity to various PLC, Animation Editing DDE configuration to Microsoft EXCEL Real & Historical time Trending, Events & Alarms Scripting in Visual basic, SQL, Oracle, RDBMS Commission of networked Nodes Fault Finding Troubleshooting of application Security layers to application Installation / uninstallation / OS Basics Communication Basics |
Switch Gears / Industrial Drives Introduction to AC / DC / Servo Drives & Motors Motor & Drive Operation, Fundamentals, Limitations Selection of Motors & Drives Parameter Programming / Settings Control Panel Wiring with Drive Design Remote & Local Operation Communication with PLC, HMI, SCADA, DCS Different Operating Modes, RUN, STOP, JOG Mode Selection Design, Advantages, Load Calculation Case Study of Industrial Applications | HMI / MMI – Human Machine Interfaces HMI Programming and Application Development Software configuration & Parameter setting Creating and Editing Animation and MIMIC ODBC connectivity and RDBMS attachment Up loading Downloading application project Events / Alarms / Security / Connectivity DDE Communication with PLC / DRIVE / DCS Fault Finding Troubleshooting Key Pad / Touch / Mono/ Color/ Alpha Numeric Learning SCADA V/s HMI & Merits & Demerits |
Instrumentation / Sensors Sensors / Transmitters in Process Industry Temperature, Voltage, Kw, Transducers Type working principles of RTD TC etc. Flow, Level, Principles selection criteria Control Valves, AFC, DFC Process Control Fundamentals Erection commission installation calibration HART protocol details & communication Maintenance, preventive maintenance fault diagnosis and troubleshooting in application | Panel Designing & Designing Software Fundamentals of Electric & Control Drawing wiring Introduction to IP – Ingress Protection NEMA GA arrangement Diagram with P & I Wiring & preparation of Power & Control Circuits General Arrangement of components wiring Switchgear & Heavy Electric Practices Troubleshooting in Electric & control live panels Selection of types of enclosure as per ambient MCC / PCC / APFC / AMF / Control – PLC + Drive End to End Termination, Cabling, Junction Box Wiring |
DCS – Distributed Control Systems Introduction to Application and DCS system Architecture Evolution of DCS Technology Hardware Architecture of DCS CPU Power Supply INPUT OUTPUT Modules BUS BARS Network Hot Redundancy & Comparison of PLC Vs DCS Introduction to Operating & Engineering console Practical revelation on leading DCS systems Fault Finding, Troubleshooting, wiring, Networking | Industrial Networks PC to Hardware – RS 232 Standalone PLC + HMI + PLC - Multi Node PLC + HMI + Drive SCADA PC + HMI + PLC + Drive Multi Drives Master – Slave Master – Slave Server Client Foundation Fieldbus / Profibus DP / Ethernet |