Trace the roots of all significant automation business segments and you'll find key people and innovations. Industrial Automation and controls has always been a hotbed of new products - improved sensors, amplifiers, displays, recorders, control elements, valves, actuators and other widgets and gizmos.
Hardware and networking sectors in India are reaching its peak these days in India. Infect the recent survey says that these two sectors are expected to grow up around $60 to $70 billion dollars. While talking about networking its about the design and supervising aspect of manufacturing and installation of hardware systems by the by hardware jobs have reached a saturated levels.
The IT industry is heavily influenced by factors like the global market and sustenance of its rate of growth. The recession in the United States also impacted the IT community in India negatively. This segment is promising and has vast potential, but there are concerns regarding the demand-supply gap, which is widening.
The Indian machine tools industry manufactures almost the complete range of Metal-cutting and metal-forming machine tools. Customized in nature, the products from the Indian basket comprise conventional machine tools as well as computer numerically controlled (CNC/VMC) machines.
VFX is the process of creating visually-enhanced imagery with the help of computer graphics. It is used when the animator chooses to depict something that cannot be shot in a live environment and has to be simulated in a virtual world. For e.g. movies dealing with natural disasters like Twister or creating an outer space environment, as in Gravity.
VFX is the process of creating visually-enhanced imagery with the help of computer graphics. It is used when the animator chooses to depict something that cannot be shot in a live environment and has to be simulated in a virtual world. For e.g. movies dealing with natural disasters like Twister or creating an outer space environment, as in Gravity.